
Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Healthcare Systems

Become a health care leader and have an even greater impact on patients, your community and the world with the Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Healthcare Systems. Whether you are a health professional looking to advance your career or seeking entry into the health field, this 学位 allows you to expand your ability to work effectively in interprofessional health care teams that focus on patient-centered care, 考虑弱势群体的需求, improve health care and apply evidence-based practice. 

从三种途径中选择——专业, dietetics and research – to customize your 学位 to your professional and career goals.



如果你有营养学学士学位的话, choose the 营养学 concentration to pursue licensure as a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN). 作为RDN, you will improve people’s quality of life and work to reduce leading causes of death that are often caused, 在某种程度上, 营养不良. This concentration also includes an internship through a partnership with Corewell Health (Beaumont East).


的 专业 concentration is well-suited for those who have earned a health-related bachelor’s 学位, 希望获得硕士学位的医疗保健专业人员, and clinicians who wish to focus on a wider scale of health care delivery or administration. This concentration includes a capstone at a health care organization where you will work with the company’s system to identify issues and improve these areas.


的 研究 concentration is intended for those who are interested in establishing a research career, would like to conduct research under the direction of our experienced faculty, 并有兴趣继续攻读博士学位.D. 学位. 在这种浓度下, you will perform a formal thesis project and defense on a topic that is relevant to health care process, 质量和交货.

This Master’s program meets the competency challenges in the health care workforce and provides training in:

  • 以病人为中心的护理
  • 跨学科团队合作
  • 循证实践
  • 质量改进
  • 信息学
  • 健康的社会决定因素

You will take the same set of core courses regardless of concentration chosen. 


  • Interdisciplinary Healthcare Delivery Seminar (HS 5200 – 1 credit)
  • Evidence-Based Decision Making and 研究 in Healthcare (HS 5100 – 4 credits)
  • Ethical and 专业 Practice in Healthcare Delivery (HS 5500 – 4 credits)
  • Applied Interprofessional Decision Making in Healthcare Teams (HS 6300 – 4 credits)
  • 健康的社会决定因素(PH 5650 - 4学分)
  • 医疗保健信息学(ISE 5574 - 4学分)
  • Organization and Administration of Health and Medical Care Programs (PA 5600 – 3 credits)

然后, 参加独特的实习, internship or research experiences tailored to your academic or professional interests and career goals, 创建个性化, 有监督的实习经历.

申请人可使用 研究生院申请门户 提交申请.

To apply, applicants must submit the following, described in more detail below:

  • 在线申请
  • 官方成绩单
    • Providing evidence of a baccalaureate 学位 awarded from a regionally accredited U.S. 机构
    • From all post-secondary educational 机构s and for any graduate-level coursework beyond a bachelor's 学位
    • International university transcripts must be evaluated by a professional credential evaluation service. 365英国上市官网 will only accept transcript evaluations completed by a NACES (National Association of Credential Evaluation service) member organization. Many applicants use World Educational Services (WES) or Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE). NACES会员资格可通过访问 NACES会员网站.
    • 本科GPA不低于3分.0是必需的.
  • Students applying for entrance in the 营养学 Concentration will simultaneously apply for the graduate program and the Beaumont Internship. 的y must submit a Didactic Program in 营养学 (DPD) verification statement and meet the minimum acceptance requirements for Beaumont’s ACEND accredited Dietetic Internship including a minimum GPA of 3.2. 
  • Two professional recommendations for 研究生 Admission, 使用研究生入学推荐信.
  • 个人履历或简历
  • 个人陈述不超过1000字
  • For international students, proof of English language proficiency. International supplemental application and supporting documentation must be submitted before international applicants can be issued the Certification of Eligibility (I-20). This certificate is required to apply for a student visa from the U.S. 大使馆或领事馆.

Economic and employment data support the importance of graduating well-rounded health care professionals with adaptable and flexible critical thinking and communication skills to effect changes within health care organizations and systems.

U.S. 劳工统计局 (BLS) reports that Medical Health Services Managers is an occupation expected to grow by 28% – much faster than average – in the next ten years. 的 median annual salary of Medical and Health Service Managers is $104,830.

Prepare for a broad range of health positions, including but not limited:

  • 医疗卫生服务经理
  • 卫生管理员
  • 卫生保健协调员
  • 注册营养师
  • 案例管理器
  • 护理经理
  • 病人导航器

Dr. 阿曼达·林奇


(248) 370-2369

(248) 370-3562