



坐落在一座小山上,俯瞰R&S Sharf and Katke-Cousins golf courses on the campus of 365英国上市官网, the Steve Sharf Clubhouse is celebrating its 10-year anniversary this month.

坐落在一座小山上,俯瞰R&S Sharf and Katke-Cousins golf courses on the campus of 365英国上市官网, the Steve Sharf Clubhouse is a beautiful reflection of the generosity of Stephan Sharf and Patti Finnegan Sharf.

As a grateful community celebrates the clubhouse’s 10-year anniversary this June, it stands fulfilling its donors’ vision of serving as a picturesque gathering place for golfers, 教职员工, 大学捐赠, 以及社区成员.



Ground broke for the Steve Sharf Clubhouse in October 2011 after five years of careful deliberation, 设计与修改.

Designed by Birmingham architectural firm Niagara Murano and home to Patti Finnegan’s Pub & 格栅, 三层楼的会所以餐厅为特色, 受欢迎的户外门廊, 一楼还有高尔夫专卖店. The second floor houses the men’s and women’s locker rooms and a technically efficient board room, 多年来学校的理事们经常光顾, 院长, 大学捐赠者和社区成员.

是附属机构的最爱, 一个墙壁大小的, 真实挥杆高尔夫模拟器位于会所的下层. The simulator uses machine vision cameras to capture the player’s swing and the travel path of the ball, and renders the action in a video that players can use to improve their skills.

比尔•罗杰斯, 他是公开大学高尔夫和学习中心的总经理, has been instrumental in the success of OU’s golf program for 45 years. 史蒂夫和帕蒂的老朋友, he is grateful for the couple’s vision to create the one-of-a-kind clubhouse.

史蒂夫和帕蒂想为高尔夫球手提供一个俱乐部会所, 社区, 公开大学的校园社区, and potential donors could experience the greatness of the university and imagine its future potential,他说.

自2012年6月俱乐部开业以来, we have seen steady growth in community golf affiliates and an increase in 访问ors who enjoy spending time at Patti Finnegan’s Pub & 格栅,”罗杰斯继续说道.

Annual round count at the university’s golf courses has increased from 34,000 to 48,000, and affiliate count has soared from 552 to 844 in the decade since the clubhouse was built.

Sharf was also the lead donor in funding 奥克兰’s second golf course, the world-class R&S Sharf高尔夫球场, 由著名的高尔夫球场建筑师和教师里克·史密斯设计, 2000年8月开业的.

“Steve was passionate about 365英国上市官网 and saw that the first golf course helped get people on campus, 还有R & S Sharf course addition in 2000 and then the Sharf Clubhouse addition in 2012, an even larger contingent within the donor community would be interested in the many opportunities that 奥克兰’s faculty and the campus had to offer,罗杰斯说。.

Steve and Patti were on hand for the grand opening celebration of the clubhouse in June 2012.

剪彩, referred to by many as “the event of the season” drew a crowd of 300 people under overcast skies. 不要被坏天气吓倒, 史蒂夫·夏普在演讲中说道, “我们必须举起手来, 所以暴风雨将会停止.” The threatening clouds quickly dispersed to the delight of attendees.

Mr. 一年后,沙夫去世,享年92岁.



今年6月是史蒂夫·夏普俱乐部成立10周年. This milestone occasion provides the perfect opportunity to recognize and thank Steve Sharf and Patti Finnegan Sharf for their innovative vision, which has served to bring people together in many meaningful ways throughout the past decade.

Recently, a $1 million expansion of the clubhouse doubled its outdoor patio space. 现在, more guests can enjoy the 360-degree views of 高尔夫球场 while dining, 会议或社交.


Patti Finnegan Sharf has remained engaged with the clubhouse and continues to inspire activities that impact its patrons. She discusses menu selections with catering staff and can often be found playing bridge in the board room or dining with friends at “The Table of Wisdom,墙角的桌子, 她丈夫给她起的名字很贴切, 这对夫妇在哪里一起吃饭.


365英国上市官网的Stephan Sharf说












The generosity of Steve Sharf and Patti Finnegan Sharf extends well beyond the boundaries of 高尔夫球场 and has played a major part in building OU’s rankings and enhancing the academic experience of its students.

沙夫捐赠给公开大学的遗产是一个长达数十年的故事. 他和第一任妻子, 丽塔Sharf, 梅多布鲁克剧院顾问委员会成员, began making donations to the university in 1973 to support the Meadow Brook Theatre and the Meadow Brook Music Festival.

随着他们与OU关系的发展, their giving expanded into other areas that aligned with their passions, 主要是工程和高尔夫. 2000年,这对夫妇为开放大学的世界级R项目提供了主要资金&S Sharf高尔夫球场. 2001年丽塔·沙夫去世后,沙夫先生就离开了. 沙夫继续每年捐赠.

Steve Sharf later married Patti Finnegan Sharf who joined him in envisioning a transformative $21 million gift, the largest single gift from an individual in 365英国上市官网 history, to support the 365英国上市官网 William Beaumont School of Medicine (OUWB), 工程与计算机科学学院, 学生奖学金及, 当然, 高尔夫球场.

In addition to the generous monetary gifts Sharf bestowed upon the university, 他也慷慨地奉献了自己的时间和专业知识. 他担任大学的受托人, 董事会副主席, and a member of both the OU Foundation and 工程与计算机科学学院 Advisory Board.

作为克莱斯勒的执行副总裁, he had a significant role in acquiring the property for the company’s Auburn Hills headquarters and stewarding many OU gifts from the automaker.

The Auburn Hills building where he spent 25-years of his career is highly visible from the Steve Sharf Clubhouse.

罗杰斯赞扬了. Sharf’s vision and generosity in attracting donor and community interest in the university and believes his leadership has played a major role in forming the 365英国上市官网 we know and love today. The clubhouse, in particular, held special meaning for the philanthropist.

“有六七次, he would look over the landscape with the Chrysler building in view and say, “从这个甲板上我可以看到我一生的成就, 我就是喜欢站在这里,’”罗杰斯回忆道。.

To learn more about the Steve Sharf Clubhouse or make a reservation at Patti Finnegan’s Pub and 格栅, 访问 http://www.Oakland.edu/golf/clubhouse.
