Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


'English homework’ translates to everyday successes for OU’s ESL students






1.4 billion English speakers spread throughout the world, the usefulness of English language skills is undeniable.

奥克兰的 英语作为第二语言 (ESL) Center offers an extensive program to enhance reading, 写作, listening and speaking skills for international OU students, 365英国上市官网, business professionals and the general public. International students Boyu 王, Jiaan曹, 《Senturk and Hassan Almohammedsaleh are now among 20 percent of the world's population who can communicate in English.


ESL课程结束后, 王 not only knows enough English to request a beverage, he can also more freely converse with OU professors and peers. Class assignments were instrumental to his newfound confidence.“当我第一次来到美国的时候, I was barely able to speak English well enough to buy a Coke,大四学生王博宇说, an industrial and systems engineering major enrolled in OU's 2+2 program. Students in OU's 2+2 program study two years at their home university and two years at OU; they then receive a master's in engineering or computer science from both universities.

"In one ESL class, we were asked to work as a team, which was stressful at first,” he admits. “但我适应了,而且很享受."

王, whose home university is China’s Changchun 大学 of Technology, says the library is his favorite “relaxing” spot on campus. He appreciates all he's gained from ESL. "I've learned a lot – not only English skills – but about American culture," 王 says. “My classmates encourage me that my English is enough for normal life, but I need to keep studying."


"Talking to my Dad [in China] on video, I sometimes speak English with him,” Cao says. "He tells me I’ve made great progress.“Jiaan曹, an industrial engineering junior, is also enrolled in the 2+2 program and attends Changchun 大学 of Technology. Others have noticed her English improvement.

Cao finds OU's faculty and students "very friendly" and says ESL instructors are indispensable to international students. "When we first begin academic classes, 我们有困惑, and ESL instructors always help us solve our problems,她说。.

Cao especially enjoyed ESL cultural experiences. "My classroom conversation partner taught me English, 我教她中文, 我们交换了小礼物,她说. "Students share their culture, even bringing in delicious [homeland] food to class. 在ESL的每一天我都很开心."


《Senturk, a Turkey native in her fourth semester for a master's in chemistry, calls the ESL program among her "best, 最难忘的日子”. Senturk was excited to see her English abilities increase and to receive good grades.

For Senturk, the most difficult part of English is 写作. "Creativity is needed," says Senturk. “我的写作指导老师,Mr. 科尔曼是最好的. He gave me lots of helpful tips in 写作 essays. This is extremely beneficial now, in 写作 chemistry research papers."

She credits reading/写作 instructor, “wise Ms. Essenburg,” in aiding Senturk’s difficulty in reading long paragraphs. "Nowadays, her tips help me to read lengthy chemistry articles,” Senturk says.


“The ESL instructors understand how difficult living far from family is, and they were like family to me,” says Saudi Arabia native Hassan Almohammedsaleh, a freshman in mechanical engineering.

Almohammedsaleh values the practical life skills he acquired in ESL, such as how to give presentations and talk to strangers while standing in line.

“Learning English wasn’t easy for me,” Almohammedsaleh says. “I’m shy, so I fought with myself to share stories with my ESL teachers…but I overcame that.”

Almohammedsaleh sums up what’s perhaps the key to ESL program success. “The instructors encourage us to speak, even if we fear making mistakes,” he says. “Making many mistakes leads to lots of improvement.”

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